Schedule of individual reception -

Schedule of individual reception —

1 мин чтения


Array( [0] => otkrytoe_agentstvo/public-reception/schedule-of-individual-reception/)

Private meetings with citizens in the Federal Agency for Tourism are held by the Head, his/her deputies and other officials.

At private meetings, the citizen shall present their identification papers.

If facts and circumstances described during a private meeting are evident and require no additional examination, an answer to the inquiry may be provided verbally during the personal meeting. In other cases, a written answer will be provided with respect to the substance of issues mentioned in the inquiry.

If the inquiry contains issues outwith the scope of competence of the Federal Agency for Tourism, the citizen will be provided with an explanation as to where and under which procedure he/she shall apply.

Further consideration of the citizen’s inquiry may be rejected during a private meeting if he/she has been earlier provided with an answer with respect to the substance of issues mentioned in the inquiry.

Timing of private meetings does not usually exceed 20 minutes.

Private meetings with citizens are held in the reception office of the Federal Agency for Tourism located at Russia, 125039, Moscow, Presnenskaya Naberezhnaya, 10/2

Due to the spread of COVID-19 registration for a private meeting is temporarily unavailable. Please, contact us via Public reception electronic form or written inquiry.

Registration for a private meeting is provided by phone +7 495 231-60-54 every Wednesday between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.