Primorie Territory - Rostourism

Primorie Territory — Rostourism

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The Primorie Territory is located in the southernmost part of Far East at the coast of the Sea of Japan. It was founded in 1938. Since the old days people have inhabited this territory: a first human appeared in Primorie more than 30,000 years ago. Tungus and JuChen Nations once reigned here. These ancient civilizations were destroyed during the Tatar-Mongol Invasion. This territory remained virgin until its survey by Russian expeditions in the mid XVII.

The city-port Vladivostok was founded in 1860. It is 7,100 km away from Moscow (air-trip distance). The Time Zone difference from Moscow is +7 hours. The population of Vladivostok amounts to 850,000 persons. The city has many picturesque bays, namely Ulisses, Patroclus, Diomedes, the Golden Horn. The best period for visiting Vladivostok is August and September.

The climate in the Primorie Territory is changeable. Since it’s located at the borderline of the continent and the Pacific Ocean, the weather greatly depends upon monsoons. Rains and typhoons are typical for the first half of summer. Warm and sunny weather usually sets to continue during the remained part of summer. As a rule, the swimming season lasts till September. It does not snow much in winters, but snowstorms and ice-covered grounds are frequent phenomena in this period.

The Primorie Territory is a wonderful place for sports and ecological tourism: diving, surfing, sky-jumping, paragliding, mountain skiing, caveology, as well as hunting and fishing. An elk, a Siberian stag, a wild hog, a dapple deer, a brown bear can become the hunter’s trophy. Small games include hares, badgers, foxes, pheasants, geese, and ducks. Hunting is allowed practically all over the whole region.

The Primorie Territory is also interesting for those who need to have a rest at a resort, in a sanatorium or at a recreation center.

Amateurs of ecological tourism have a wide choice here: the biospheric reserve «Cedar Creek Valley» (tourist paths «Ecological path», «Review tour», «Ornithological»), permanently inhabited by Far Eastern leopards; Lazovsky state nature reserve named after L. Kaplanov (tourist paths «White Book», «Awakened Nature», «Petrov’s Cordon», «Jungles of Ussuri», «Sihote-Alinn»); the Sihote-Alinn reserve of unique virgin nature (tourist paths «Blagodatnoe Lake», «Northern Peninsula») stretching in the territory of the eastern slope of the Sihote-Alinn mountain ridge, inhabited by Himalayan and brown bears.

The historical monument of Shaiginskoe ancient town is a unique monument of JuChen culture, existing in the Primorie Territory in Middle Ages. It was a large well-fortified town with residential and industrial houses. Another ancient JuChen town remained till now is called Ananievskoe.

The Kraskinskoe ancient town is a historical monument of another old civilization — Bokhai state of the Tungus nation. Remainders of temples, houses, workshops, furnaces, wells, tools were found in this ancient town. The district of this town has the highest in Russia concentration of plants, recorded in the Red Book of Endangered Species

Dozens of amazing historical monuments are located in Vladivostok. Amateurs of old times will enjoy visiting the Vladivostok Fortress from XIX-beginning XX centuries, the only marine fortress left in Russia. It is famous for the fact that its cannons had never fired at enemies since enemies had always been sure of their disadvantageous position as to this strongly fortified construction.

Despite the majority of temples and churches were destroyed by the Soviet power, the Catholic Church of the Holy Mother and St.Paul’s Lutheran Church still stand in Vladivostok.

For more detailed information on the Territory, please refer to Internet resources of governmental authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.