Kurgan Region - Rostourism

Kurgan Region — Rostourism

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Array( [0] => turism_v_rossii/russia-s-regions/urals-federal-district/kurgan-region/)

The Kurgan Region was founded in 1943. The Region covers the territory of 71.5 thousand sq. km. Its population is 992.1 thousand persons, 56.6% are urban residents. The Region is located in the Time Zone of MSK +2.

Its administrative center is the city of Kurgan, located 1,973 km from Moscow.

The Region is situated in the catchment basin of the Tobol. Other rivers of the Region include the Iset, the Ui, the Kutamysh. There are about 200 lakes in the Region; some are mineral and medicinal. The northern part of the Region is covered by tundra and forest-tundra; the southern part — by taiga. The fauna consists of forest species and steppe species. The Region has 40% plowed territory and 24% forested territory.

The climate is extremely continental with long cold winters (average temperature in January is —19°C) and warm rainless summers (average temperature in July is +19°C).

The Kurgan Region has no reserves but it has 84 natural monuments and 16 faunal areas.

The Maryino Clove is one of the natural monuments where rare plants, including four species of orchids, are carefully reserved. Another natural monument of cultic value is the Chimeevsky Holy Spring at the Svyato-Kazansky Monastery, where a holy and wonder-working replica of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is kept. Water extraction from the Holy Spring, as well as mushroom and berry gathering are allowed.

The city of Kurgan stands on the Tobol River. Its population amounts to 324 thousand persons. The former name of the city is Tsaryovo Gorodische. The city got its modern name in 1782. Küchelbecker, Rosen, Naryshkin lived in exile here; their house-museums have been kept unchanged in memory of these famous Decembrists. A small number of historical constructions are left in the city but the Tsarev Kurgan (the Tsar’s Hill) still exists, where, by a legend, the Tatar Khan’s daughter was buried. At the railway station another original monument was erected; it is a steam-locomotive FD which was run by a famous locomotive-driver Ivan Blinov.

Tourists are also attracted by another town of the Region, Shadrinsk, where many places of interest remained untouched, appealing to the amateurs of cultural tourism. The Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, the Surikov’s House, a unique pine forest are among 160 historical monuments. Not far from the town, there is an archeological monument of the Great Mylnikovsky Ancient Town.

The Region is famous for its lakes: the Turbannoe Lake in the Dalmatovsky District, the Gorkoe-Kureinoe Lake in the Makushinsky District, and the Gorkoe Lake in the Uvelsky District. The Gorkoe Lake is considered to be the most medicinal; its water-surface area is 0.57 sq.km; its medicinal water and mud are indicated for many diseases. The lake is a part of the natural monument «Mineral Lakes» of the Ishimsky District. Another popular lake is the Medvezhye Lake famous for its medicinal sludge, which is equivalent to the Dead Sea mud; besides, the water in the lake has the same density. There is a sanatorium «Medvezhye Lake» at the lake. It’s specialized in curing bony and muscular tissue diseases as well as neuropathy and gastrointestinal tract disorders.

The Kurgan Region is well-known as the health-resort. The Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center «Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics» is especially popular among tourists.

The Kurgan Region is considered to be one of the richest hunting and fishing areas.

For more detailed information on the Region, please refer to Internet resources of governmental authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.